A mai primit inca unu' viza. Si era in categoria 5 cu medicalele si PCC cerute de CO in August 2009. Merge incet, dar macar merge. http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/migration-issues/73834-great-news-all-cat-5-us.html
Pe de alta parte, cred ca cei de la DIAC au o mica problema ori cu, capacitatea de a citi ori cu politetea. Le-am trimis un PLE zilele trecute sa ii intreb daca va fi procesata aplicatia mea in conformitate cu anuntul lor recent. Raspunsul a fost ori unul la misto ori nu imi dau seama. Mai jos textele integrale:
PLE catre DIAC:
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to you because I got some information regarding the processing of application that are on the Tier 5 on the new processing order. My information is that in the near future there will be processed around 3500 applications.
Would you be so nice to tell me if my application will be included in this group of processed application?
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon,
Yours faithfully,
Marius xxx
Raspunsul DIAC:
Pe de alta parte, cred ca cei de la DIAC au o mica problema ori cu, capacitatea de a citi ori cu politetea. Le-am trimis un PLE zilele trecute sa ii intreb daca va fi procesata aplicatia mea in conformitate cu anuntul lor recent. Raspunsul a fost ori unul la misto ori nu imi dau seama. Mai jos textele integrale:
PLE catre DIAC:
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to you because I got some information regarding the processing of application that are on the Tier 5 on the new processing order. My information is that in the near future there will be processed around 3500 applications.
Would you be so nice to tell me if my application will be included in this group of processed application?
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon,
Yours faithfully,
Marius xxx
Raspunsul DIAC:
Please include the following line in all replies. Tracking number: GT20091202_0000001389
Dear Mr xxx,
Thank you for advising that your nominated occupation is on the Critical Skills List. We can confirm that this information has been noted on your file. Information on our current processing priorities and timeframes can be obtained by sending a blank email to: aspc.processing@immi.gov.au. This is an automated service providing processing information only. Please do not send any other enquiry or information to this email address. For any further enquiries about the application you have lodged please refer to our website using the following link http://www.immi.gov.au/contacts/visa-enquiries/professionals.htm
Yours sincerely, xxx
General Skilled Migration - Adelaide Department of Immigration and Citizenship
Interesant raspunsul nu ?
Asa, acum cu ACS. Mi-a raspuns CO-ul meu de la ACS cum ca imi asteapta documentele si mi-a rezolvat problema cu accesul la statusul online al aplicatiei mele. Ar trebui sa ajunga luni la ei. Acum plicul este in Londra. Sta de ieri acolo intr-un container.
Dear Mr xxx,
Thank you for advising that your nominated occupation is on the Critical Skills List. We can confirm that this information has been noted on your file. Information on our current processing priorities and timeframes can be obtained by sending a blank email to: aspc.processing@immi.gov.au. This is an automated service providing processing information only. Please do not send any other enquiry or information to this email address. For any further enquiries about the application you have lodged please refer to our website using the following link http://www.immi.gov.au/contacts/visa-enquiries/professionals.htm
Yours sincerely, xxx
General Skilled Migration - Adelaide Department of Immigration and Citizenship
Interesant raspunsul nu ?
Asa, acum cu ACS. Mi-a raspuns CO-ul meu de la ACS cum ca imi asteapta documentele si mi-a rezolvat problema cu accesul la statusul online al aplicatiei mele. Ar trebui sa ajunga luni la ei. Acum plicul este in Londra. Sta de ieri acolo intr-un container.
Mult succes, Mariuse!
RăspundețiȘtergereHai ca se misca!
Raspunsul ala e unul automat, cred ca mesajul tau n-a ajuns inca pe ecranul cui trebuie.
Iti tin pumnii!
Merci Gabi,
RăspundețiȘtergereSper sa primesc cat mai repede viza. O astept de prea multa vreme ...